
Blog Defined: What Matters

What really matters? What should be the substance of our lives?
Right now I know three girls who believed they were committed lifelong but are suffering instead from broken hearts. Love and security matters to them.
The population of my city has, in the last week, increased by 25,000 because of numerous people displaced by one of, if not the, most deleterious natural disaster of our time. Food and shelter matters to those families.
My mother is celebrating her 40-year high school class reunion next week and the entire original class is going to be there - not one missing. Good health and old friendships matter to the Class of 1965.

In my cynical world of nothing ever being perfect or right, I tend to move away from rainbows and dreams and find security in struggles and the pain of life. I know struggle is hard because I have gone through it. I know pain is real because I've hurt numerous times. Just because I have experienced those things...is that what is of utmost importance in my life?

I have 'mystical' friends who like to find their hope in the new sunshine of the day when the fight has been too tough. Dreams are an escape and a determination of a prosperous future for them. But avoiding the present and fast-forwarding to the future - is that what is of utmost importance to them?

I tell them they like to escape things - they tell me I'm too negative. But one thing we have in common - we fight our battles with the same strength and we find our hope in the same place. Jesus Christ. Not everyone in the world has that great blessing, because others seek comfort and peace in the temporal and fleshly manner.

My job doesn't matter.
My romantic life doesn't matter.
My car doesn't matter.
My clothes don't matter.
My college degree doesn't matter.
My mother, father and brothers are even out of the picture on this one too, for Christ says that "...He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me." (
Matthew 10:37)

We are called on a mission for Christ's Kingdom, and that is what is of utmost importance. His Kingdom is eternal, and we will never be satisfied with something temporal or short-term. God created us for two things - to glorify Him and further His Kingdom. Because my life is richer when I am faithful and obedient, I will accept the call. Now, I will be counting on each of you to help me along on this journey, because I know that I will fall - time and again. Obedience and sacrifice never come easy. But I want my life to be that which will win hearts and souls - through what venue or what job or what country is to still be determined, but as His child, I want to do my best to remain faithful.

...for in all eternity, this life of Amy Gillispie really does matter.


Blogger Creth said...

thanks for the good word

9/09/2005 11:35 AM  

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